Friday, March 25, 2011

Wading through paperwork...again

So we e-mailed our adoption application last night, it was exciting, but also kind of exhausting. We've already done this once before, and I am NOT looking forward to all of the paperwork that is to come, and not to mention MORE classes, although I am happy that this time they are on-line...PRAISE GOD!! The benefit of having done this before is that I kind of know what is coming. Although we didn't end up adopting with the county I DO feel that I am more prepared for what is to come. The down side to this is that the county process pretty much wore me down, and this time around I don't have the energy and excitement for the process that I did last time.

I guess that is a blessing though because I am not hung up on time-lines right now, or rushing around trying to get to our baby closer and then ending up waiting and waiting. Just as with biological children, babies come when they are supposed to! I know my child has already been determined for us by God, so I am just going to plug along and TRY to relax and enjoy this journey. It is sooooo much like a pregnancy in so many ways. You have to take every thing in steps, and you really don't have a whole lot of control over what happens to can only control how you RESPOND to what happens to you! : )

I am excited to hold our child in my arms, but I am ALSO excited about what else the Lord is going to teach me through this process. We started with the county in late 2008, and already the Lord has used it to mold us and shape us in so many ways! I am a better mother, and we are a better family because of some of the classes we have taken and some of the wonderful friends we have made.

So I guess I better pull up my waders, and keep wading through the paperwork!

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