Thursday, October 28, 2010

You know you've been together a long time when...

My husband and I went to see RED last week, and it was so much fun to go out with my baby.

After the movie was out we passed the bathroom and I turned to my husband and said, "Do you have to go potty?". He went to the bathroom, and as I waited for my husband, another couple walked by and the woman turned to her spouse (A HUGE muscled tattoo man) and said, "Baby, do you have to go potty?".

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who says stuff like that to my husband...SOO FUNNY!

Monday, October 18, 2010


The grown up in me is really glad that we decided to take a break from the adoption process after our "county experience", but the Mommy in me is like, "GIVE ME MY BABY!!"

I am excited soooo excited for March when we can officially begin this journey again. I know that it is going to be another long road, but oh the end result is going to be worth it.

Our pastor told us to pray specific, so I have been praying for a healthy baby boy, but also acknowledging that the Lord may have other plans for us. So for now I am praying for little Brody James to come home with us, and be healthy and happy, and I am also praying for a really good relationship with his birth parents.

Chances are our little one hasn't even been conceived yet, but I am already praying for his/her biological parents and the tough road they are going to have to face.

I hope they will know that their child has been loved and prayed for before his/her conception, and they have been prayed for too.

In so many ways this is like a pregnancy. With my girls I wrote to them in their journals, prepared for their arrival through prayer, and relished the thought of their arrival. I am doing all of these things for little Brody James. (Do not fear we have names for the little one if he turns out to be a she!!!)

I hope his/her birth parents will always know that their child was loved before he/she was born, and wanted, and will become an integral part of this family.

So in the mean time I PRAY PRAY PRAY, and wait on the Lord's guidance and provision for this adoption.