Saturday, August 21, 2010


So the other night Brian and I had a babysitter (WOO HOO), and I was DYING to see The Expendables (Love me some Jason Statham...owww!), so we went and sat down, and I was SHOCKED to see this couple bring in their young children. Now when I say young...I mean YOUNG! The youngest looked about four, and the oldest about 6.

As the previews started there were a few that I couldn't even watch because of the creepy factor, so I was thinking about the little girls in the front. As the movie started I tried to focus on the movie and not the kids, but the Mommy in me just kept thinking about those little ones in the front.

At one point of the movie this guy has this totally awesome gun that when shot literally blows half of the person off, and these parents did not remove their children even one time the whole movie.

I know that I am not a typical girly girl who likes Jane Austen, and Lifetime television for women, but I wouldn't even dream or dare take my kiddos to something so violent. I love action movies, and know the difference between reality and fiction. These kids were exposed to stuff that at their age they shouldn't even have an inkling about. They should be watching Olivia, or Blue's Clues!

Sometimes it really makes you wonder if like the adoption process some bio parents should have to go through a process to become parents because that was stinkin' ridiculous. Anyway, that is my rant for the week...I think! : )

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