Well, I thought it was about time for an update, so here it goes. We should be cleared for official take off by Friday. We have everything in and our social worker said as soon as we send in our profiles (hopefully Thursday???) we will be playing the waiting game!!
I am so excited and so appreciate those of you who have been able to support us through prayer and encouragement. Please don't stop praying because waiting may be just as hard if not harder than all of the other stuff we've have to do so far.
We are so excited, and can't wait until our baby is in our arms. Its such an adventure.
There are so many similarities in adoption to having biological children. There is the same having to surrender to the process. When you are carrying a child in your body you must surrender to whatever that pregnancy throws at you, and you no longer have control over your body or your life, and when you carry a child in your heart you must surrender to a process in which it feels like everyone else has control over your life except for you.
Ultimately the lesson I am learning this time around is that the Lord already has our little one picked out for us, and everything is being orchestrated like a beautiful symphony by our Lord. In his timing...we cannot rush the conductor, or the symphony will not work out as beautifully as intended.
I am praising God for all of the lessons he has taught our family in this process. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!